
Guide the future.
Colearning guides facilitate learning in the real world. They ask questions, guide kids to resources, share feedback, and motivate them to push past limits.

what Makes a guide?

Live by the highest standards.


The Space To Learn guide certification process includes a background check, CPR certification, and safety training.


Our colearning guides have at least one full year of experience working with kids. Many are former teachers.


We vet our guides for reliability, prompt response times, organization skills, and communication quality.


Our guides are lifelong learners with a growth mindset. They read, build things, try new things, and ask for feedback.


Space To Learn guides always have a smile on their faces. They gain energy from working with kids.


Our guides have that special quality of helping kids push past limits without using punishments or rewards.

What is Colearning?

Be free to do your best work.
Colearning guides have autonomy to meet kids where they are, explore their interests, and become the best verion of themselves.

HOw it works

Get certified in three steps
Here's how to become a Space To Learn certified colearning guide.


Apply here on our website and we'll reach out with next steps.


After collecting your information, we'll schedule two interviews.


If you pass our vetting and training criteria, we'll invite you to be certified.