Space To Learn empowers children to learn together in shared spaces outside of school. Our affiliated colearning spaces and guides are building a new education system, one child at a time.

What is Colearning?

Colearning is an entirely new model of education that's accessible, affordable, and flexible. It leaves kids happier and more prepared for the future without sacrificing academic performance or socialization.

what makes it better?

Benefits of colearning


Colearning allows families to set their own schedules. Many spaces are open on evenings and weekends, and kids can learn at their own pace.


Zoning laws do not apply to colearning. All you need is a stable internet connection, a shared learning space, and people willing to facilitate childhood learning experiences.


By moving academics online, reducing overhead, and allowing for part-time use, colearning reduces the cost of a quality education by up to a factor of ten.


Colearning provides the same advanced academic structure as homeschooling, but with the addition of learning guides, better resources, and peers for collaboration.


Kids who colearn can sleep in, follow their interests, move freely in spaces designed for them, read in comfortable chairs, eat healthy snacks, and go outside more often.


Lacking a formal curriculum, colearning moves at the speed of the internet. Kids are free to follow their obsessions and learn at unprecedented speed.


Become an affiliate.
Join our mission to build a new education system. You can start a colearning space, become a certified learning guide, or join our growing community of partners.

What we do

We certify guides and spaces and hold them accountable to our rigorous quality standards.


Colearning spaces provide a place for kids to learn safely outside of home and school. They operate on flexible schedules and are designed for learning.


Colearning guides facilitate learning in the real world. They ask questions, guide kids to resources, share feedback, and motivate them to push past limits.


Space To Learn holds colearning spaces and guides to the highest quality standards for training, safety, learning facilitation, and member experience.